Creating Work - Life Balance While Working from Home

When our young family moved to Portland 20+ years ago, my husband cleverly negotiated with his California employer something that was unheard of at the time - telecommuting. He was able to work from home via the internet! This was a novel concept and we felt like we had won the jackpot in ultimate work flexibility.

However, we quickly discovered that we needed to set-up a specific structure in order for my husband to actually get work done from home and create what we all are seeking… work - life balance. After two decades, here are my favorite tips for creating work-life balance while working from home.

Creating Work - Life Balance While Working from Home

Keep Specific Office Hours

If you want to maintain balance you need to designate specific times to work and stick to it. It’s tempting to keep a more flexible schedule, but you run the risk of feeling like you are always on call. Set-up a regular schedule similar to what you have “at the office” and at the end of the day "go home”.

Get Dressed

One of the “perks” of working from home is that you can work in casual wear. But when you get dressed, it helps mentally define that it’s time to get stuff done. Plus, I don’t know about you, but I get more done when I’m fully dressed. It’s easy to not take that “to-do” list seriously when you are still in your pajama’s.

Take a Lunch

It’s easy to work through lunch because you don’t have to go far to eat, but statistics show that we are more productive with mental breaks. Get out and go for a walk, run a quick errand, go grab a coffee... whatever it is, take a lunch. It will help clear your mind and keep cabin fever (a very real thing) at bay.

Create a Designated Workspace

It may be tempting to work from your bed or sofa, but this blurs the lines between work life and home life. Work at a desk or dining table that you can step away from at the end of the day.

Stay Organized

Space is at a premium in a studio apartment so chorale all of your office supplies into one spot. I love a cute decorative box (with a lid) that can hold everything. Include not only pens and post-it notes, but paperwork from your latest project. When it’s time to work, pull out the box and have all of your supplies at your fingertips. At 5pm, you can quickly store everything and clock out.

This article was written in participation with ApartmentGuide. To see the full article and read additional tips visit: 9 Tips to Build the Perfect Home Office in Your Studio Apartment

Dani Christine